Sunday, June 3, 2012

I Love My Sobrinos!

So, I'm pretty sure I haven't said this in my last 5 posts, but I have 4 nieces and nephews. I love all of them with all of my heart and think they are all so precious. Well, last night I was talking to the youngest niece on the phone and she said "Hi! And I love you a lot and I'm giving you a big hug."

....seriously?! My heart just about melted, it was so sweet!

Over the years I've been blessed to receive the limitless and innocent love that children have to give and so I just wanted to dedicate this particular post to my nieces and nephews, especially since one of them celebrated his birthday today. I love you all so much!


1 comment:

  1. that is so sweet, I am an only child but I do have one nephew through marriage and I adore him to bits!
